Shanah Tovah to all!
Crisis Management
Yes, we did say that we wouldn’t be posting things weekly, but this was too important. בס”ד Yom Kippur 5782 Rabbi Meir Sendor Some of us have been wrestling with serious issues of conscience that come to the fore…
Dealer’s Choice
Parashat Vayeshev 5781 by Meir Sendor We subscribe to Ulpan La-Inyan, an organization that, along with its online Hebrew instruction programs, sends a daily email with a word or phrase in Hebrew that’s used idiomatically in colloquial speech. This week…
Total Immersion
Yom Kippur 5781 Meir Sendor ישעיהו פרק כד (י) נשברה קרית תהו סגר כל בית מבוא: The confused city is broken, every house is locked down so none shall enter (Is. 24:10). The prophet Yeshayahu knew about lockdowns, and…
How Are You Doing?
Yom Kippur 5780 by Meir Sendor We’ve been very impressed with the Blake Street Kehillah of Melbourne, and the Melbourne Jewish community in general. We’ve found the members to be warm and caring, with a sincere modesty, a strong Jewish…
Standing Together
Parashat Ha’azinu 5779 Meir Sendor Israel mourns the martyrdom of Ari Fuld, zekher kadosh livrakhah, murdered by a terrorist this week in Gush Etzion. He was a heroic figure in the Gush and far beyond, much admired for his strong,…
True Confessions
Shabbat Shuvah 5779 Parashat Vayelekh – Yom Kippur Meir Sendor We’re spending the ten days of repentance and Yom Kippur in Melbourne, and enjoying getting to know the Jewish community. The members of our son’s congregation, Blake Street Hebrew Congregation,…
Absolutely Smashing
Yom Kippur 5778 Meir Sendor I was cleaning up our garden to get it ready for planting, and went to get rid of a two-foot high stone lawn decoration in the shape of a lion, left by the previous owners.…
On the Move
Parshat VaYelekh 5777 In his sefer Pri Etz Hayyim, a codification of kabbalistic halakhot and minhagim, R. Hayyim Vital says that it is a sign of spiritual health and wholeness to weep during these Ten Days of Repentance (Rosh HaShanah…