בס”ד For Rosh HaShanah 5785 In the Gemara Rosh HaShanah Rabbi Eliezer says that, even though we count our months from Nisan, the month of redemption from Egypt, and the month of Tishrei is counted as the seventh month…
Closer than Close
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Parashat Beshalach
We thought you might appreciate this dvar Torah that Meir presented in our synagogue in Efrat this past Shabbat. If you would like to see it in Hebrew, please let us know. בס”ד Parashat Beshalach 5784 Our parashah this week…
Meditation for Mutual Awareness
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Helping each other in our way
Dear Tal Orot community, In these precarious and anxious times, it’s important to do our best to maintain emotional balance and mental clarity. Meditation practice can be helpful. We invite you to gather for another meditation session on Zoom, to…
פרשת בראשית תשפ”ד
This was a drashah given at our local synagogue in Efrat yesterday on Shabbat. Actually, it was delivered in a bomb shelter near the shul to be ready just in case. Thankfully it was just a precaution, but we are…
Healing the World; A Special Meditation in This Difficult Time
Teshuvah: Accessing Our Inner Freedom
Shanah Tovah to all!
Tal Orot Newsletter 5784
בס”ד Where do we stand After seven years in operation, we took a break from having classes so that Meir could devote his time to writing his book about Jewish Consciousness. We continued to hold a series of online meditation…
Ellul class
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