Parashat Miketz 5781 by Meir Sendor One of the underlying themes of this week’s parashah is identity. Yosef, a prisoner at the very bottom of the social pyramid of Egypt, jumps suddenly to the top, gets a nickname, adopts Egyptian…
The Sky’s the Limit
Parashat Matot-Masei 5780 Meir Sendor Here in Israel not quite everyone is getting the point about the restrictions intended to protect us all from the pandemic. You often see masks worn as chin straps, earrings or bracelets, odd fashion accessories.…
Flex Time
Parashat Noach 5777 Rabbi Meir Sendor Part of our absorption process as new Olim is taking Ulpan. As I mentioned in the post on Parashat Shoftim, we are taking a course called אולפן תעסוקתי – employment Ulpan, for those entering…