Information about our upcoming series, Hide & Seek,the Challenge of God Awareness, can be found here on our website. Erev Pesach 5782 Rabbi Meir Sendor The approach to Pesach this year finds the world, the State of Israel and the…
Just Do It
Upcoming classes starting after Pesach! Direct Contemplative Experience of Duties of the Heart 6 Sessions on Tuesdays Please fill out this Google form to register for this series. Essential Jewish Meditation Methods–Introductory and Refresher Course 6 sessions on Wednesdays To register, please…
Delicacies New and Old
Pesach 5778 Meir Sendor Among the long-term challenges of olim hadashim is achieving full fluency at speed in conversational Hebrew. We’re progressing, and I teach a few shiurim in Hebrew, but I’ve still got a long way to go, and…
Open Season
Shabbat HaGadol – Parashat Tzav 5778 Meir Sendor We were in Netanya earlier in the week on the way to teach a shiur, and took time to walk along the seacoast promenade on a warm and partly sunny afternoon. (I…