Parashat Masei 5779 by Meir Sendor We often find that when friends come to visit, as two couples did a few days ago, it’s an opportunity to tour the Land from a fresh perspective. Tel Hazor, an archeological site not…
Something Old, Something New
Parashat Vayikra 5777 Meir Sendor Our travels a few weeks back through the lower Galil took us past a large built-up hill with palm trees on top that caught our attention, so we returned last week for a look. It’s…
They’re Playing Our Song
Parashat Ha’azinu 5777 Rabbi Meir Sendor The prophetic song Ha’azinu, that HaShem commands Moshe to train us to commit to memory and recite, is an uncanny epitome of the patterns of all Jewish history. The purpose of memorizing it is…