בס”ד by Meir Sendor In the Mahzor for Rosh HaShanah and Yom Kippur we pray to HaShem that all God’s creatures “become together a single bond to do Your Will with a full heart.” In his commentary on parashat…
Crisis Management
Yes, we did say that we wouldn’t be posting things weekly, but this was too important. בס”ד Yom Kippur 5782 Rabbi Meir Sendor Some of us have been wrestling with serious issues of conscience that come to the fore…
My Brothers’ and Sisters’ Guardian
בס”ד Parashat Shoftim 5781 Meir Sendor With new strains of the pandemic surging here, and all around the world, the government, trying to avoid a full lockdown, is calling for a sense of responsibility from all citizens: to get vaccinated;…
The Straight Path
בס”ד Parashat Behar Bechukotai 5781 by Meir Sendor We are still reeling from the tragedy at Meron on Lag BaOmer. When Nadav and Avihu, sons of Aharon HaKohen, died in the midst of what they had hoped would be a…
Just Do It
Upcoming classes starting after Pesach! Direct Contemplative Experience of Duties of the Heart 6 Sessions on Tuesdays Please fill out this Google form to register for this series. Essential Jewish Meditation Methods–Introductory and Refresher Course 6 sessions on Wednesdays To register, please…
We, the Guardian Angels
Parashat Mishpatim 5781 by Meir Sendor Rav Yehudah says: “A person who wants to be righteous should uphold the laws against causing harm (Baba Kama 30a).” תלמוד בבלי מסכת בבא קמא דף ל עמוד א אמר רב יהודה: האי…
No Man is an Island
Parashat Bereshit 5781 by Meir Sendor Nachmanides gives us a key to reading the Book of Bereshit: רמב”ן שמות הקדמה ספר בראשית שהוא ספר היצירה בחדוש העולם ויצירת כל נוצר ובמקרי האבות שהם כענין יצירה לזרעם מפני שכל מקריהם ציורי…
With Love and Compassion for All
Parashat Beha’alotkha 5780 by Meir Sendor In this week’s parashah Moshe Rabbenu asks for help leading the nation. In response, HaShem tells him to select a capable group of seventy elders, then arranges for them a collective prophetic experience. Why…
Rise Up
Parashat Vayigash 5780 by Meir Sendor As this week’s parashah opens, Yehudah steps up to Yosef, who he thinks is a powerful, antagonistic Egyptian noble, to defend his youngest brother Binyamin against a false charge of theft. The situation seems…
To Serve and to Protect
Parashat Toldot 5780 by Meir Sendor Rights – territorial rights, political rights, personal rights – are often cited as the bone of contention between Israelis and Palestinians. Framed in this way, it seems like an all or nothing struggle. This…