Parashat Noach 5781 by Meir Sendor It’s a rabbinic artform to connect the weekly parashah to the issues of the day, and sometimes you have to stretch. Not this week. Global catastrophes, defiantly misbehaving societies, salvation through isolation and individuation…
True Confessions
Shabbat Shuvah 5779 Parashat Vayelekh – Yom Kippur Meir Sendor We’re spending the ten days of repentance and Yom Kippur in Melbourne, and enjoying getting to know the Jewish community. The members of our son’s congregation, Blake Street Hebrew Congregation,…
Birds Do It
Parashat Miketz – Shabbat Hanukkah 5778 Meir Sendor We made a trip this week with a visiting cousin to the nature reserve of the Hula valley that is renowned for the vast number and variety of birds that pass through.…
Free to be Free
Parashat Tzav, Shabbat ha-Gadol 5777 Meir Sendor The other day after Maariv at the Beit Midrash Ha-Ari z”l in Tzfat, I arranged with the Rav of the Kehillah to sell our hametz. While I was at it, I asked the…
Fight Fire with Fire – of the Heart
Parashat Hayye Sarah 5777 Rabbi Meir Sendor For the last three days disastrous fires have been raging throughout the Land of Israel. The long dry spell and the strong winds we have been experiencing have created dangerous conditions, and what…