Parashat Ki Tissa 5780 by Meir Sendor This week’s parashah recounts one of the worst calamities of the wilderness journey of the Jewish people, yet it turns into an opportunity for one of the most vital divine revelations. The sin…
True Colors
Parashat Tetzaveh 5777 Meir Sendor This week, on the way to a Tal Orot workshop, we took a detour to visit Shvil ha-Kalaniyot – the Path of the Anemones. It’s a meadow off the highway in the town of Meggido…
It’s All in the Details
Lekh Lekha 5777 Rabbi Meir Sendor This week we visited Agamon ha-Hula, the nature preserve in northern Israel that is one of the premier birding spots of the world. Israel’s location puts it at the pivotal center of the migration…