Parashat Vayechi 5781 by Meir Sendor Every day in prayer, morning and evening, we declare the Oneness of God in the Shema. Yet as familiar as this mitzvah may be, the awareness it challenges us to attain is extraordinary. As…
Parashat Vayechi 5780 by Meir Sendor In the Mishnah Avot, Rabban Yochanan ben Zakai asks his top students their opinion on the most direct path to a virtuous life: משנה מסכת אבות פרק ב משנה ט [רבן יוחנן בן זכאי]…
All for One and One for All
Parashat Vayechi 5779 Meir Sendor I’ve been getting used to the Edot ha-Mizrach liturgy and customs of the Moroccan Kehillah we attend. It’s more wordy than Ashkenaz liturgy, but there are some nice flourishes. For instance, when a man gets…
Curve Balls
Parashat Vayechi 5778 Meir Sendor This week’s parashah throws us a series of curves. Yaakov Avinu, about to depart from this world, calls to his sons to gather around him “and I will tell you what will happen to you…
Road Trip
Parashat Vayechi 5777 Rabbi Meir Sendor One of the humbling experiences Olim Hadashim go through is the process of getting an Israeli driver’s license. Never mind that I’ve been driving for more than 50 years – by law, I still…