בסײד Parashat Ekev 5781 Meir Sendor Rabbi Menachem Mendel of Vitebsk made Aliyah with three hundred Hasidim in 1777, first to Tzfat and finally settling in Tiveria. He was considered the foremost student of the Maggid of Mezritch, with extraordinary…
The Key to Our Hearts
Parashat Ekev 5780 Meir Sendor This week we celebrated the birthdays of two of our grandchildren and son with an intercontinental family video gathering at the Bagel & Locks Israel Quest. This is an interactive Israeli website featuring virtual journeys…
About Face
Parashat Ekev 5779 Rabbi Meir Sendor This week we were invited by dear friends to hold a Tal Orot workshop in their beautiful New England home. This was not a retreat – I never have liked that term – I…
The Good Land
Parashat Ekev 5777 Meir Sendor We moved to a new home this week. It’s still in Tzfat, but a different corner of town. Actually, a different mountain, called Har Kena’an, in a suburb of Tzfat. It was a wild experience…
If, Then
Parashat Vayetze Rabbi Meir Sendor At the beginning of this week’s parashah, Yaakov Avinu, on his way out of the Land of Canaan, fleeing his brother Esav and anxious about his future, has his Ladder dream in which HaShem promises…