This was a drashah given at our local synagogue in Efrat yesterday on Shabbat. Actually, it was delivered in a bomb shelter near the shul to be ready just in case. Thankfully it was just a precaution, but we are…
No Man is an Island
Parashat Bereshit 5781 by Meir Sendor Nachmanides gives us a key to reading the Book of Bereshit: רמב”ן שמות הקדמה ספר בראשית שהוא ספר היצירה בחדוש העולם ויצירת כל נוצר ובמקרי האבות שהם כענין יצירה לזרעם מפני שכל מקריהם ציורי…
Eternal Return of the New
Parashat Bereshit 5780 by Meir Sendor I joined some friends this past week to celebrate the combined Yom Tov of Shemini Atzeret and Simchat Torah at the Beit HaKnesset HaTzaddik HaLavan – the Synagogue of the White Tzaddik, also known…
Saying Yes to the Universe
Parashat Bereshit 5779 Meir Sendor “After the holidays – אחרי החגים” is a common expression you hear from Rosh HaShanah to the end of Sukkot – that most business and practical affairs are deferred until the long series of holidays…