Tal Orot is excited to join the Days of Gratitude! We are partnering with Days of Gratitude to help us lift our blessings and build our resilience in the face of the pandemic and current challenges. Days of Gratitude is a…
This Land is God’s Land
Parashat Behar 5778 Meir Sendor This is our first spring tending the garden we started last fall, and it’s in bloom now, with figs and lemons ripening, the summer vegetables getting started, bees humming in the flowers, ladybugs beginning to…
In the Eternal Arms
Parashat Bo 5778 In memory of Susan Kron a”h. Meir Sendor Our post today is dedicated in memory of Susan Kron, aleha ha-Shalom, who passed away this week in Boston. In her professional career Susan was an accomplished editor and…
All in the Family
Parashat Vayigash 5778 Meir Sendor This week friends who live down the block held a seudat hoda’ah, a meal of thanksgiving, in gratefulness for the husband recovering from a serious illness. During the gathering he recited Birkat ha-Gomel, the blessing…
Giving Thanks
Parashat VaYetze 5778 Meir Sendor Our travels around the States visiting family and teaching Jewish meditation have taken us to New Jersey. We rented a car at the airport. To leave the rental lot you pass by a toll booth…
Tal Orot Newsletter Elul 5777
Meir and Anne Sendor Where do we stand After a year in operation, we presently have ongoing meditation groups in three cities in Israel. We also had a two-day seminar in Tzfat in the summer, which was well-attended and well-received.…
Broken Vessels
SAVE THE DATES! May 7-12, 2018 A five-day program for exploring personal connections to Judaism for adults, open to men and women of all backgrounds In the beautiful mystical city of Tzfat In conjunction with Livnot U’Lehibanot Details to follow!…
Bites of Reality
Parashat Hukkat 5777 Meir Sendor The other day I was jogging along the switchbacks of the dirt road that winds through the forest of Tzfat, up along the northern side of the mountain, when I came upon a man walking…