Shabbat Shuvah, Parashat Vayelekh 5780 by Meir Sendor In Melbourne the other day, we offered to take a walk with one of our grandchildren and do a little pre-Yom Tov shopping on the way. When we suggested a direction to…
True Confessions
Shabbat Shuvah 5779 Parashat Vayelekh – Yom Kippur Meir Sendor We’re spending the ten days of repentance and Yom Kippur in Melbourne, and enjoying getting to know the Jewish community. The members of our son’s congregation, Blake Street Hebrew Congregation,…
Changing Places
Parashat Nitzavim 5778, Rosh HaShanah 5779 Meir Sendor In the Gemara Rosh HaShanah Rabbi Yitzhak says that, although Rosh HaShanah is a day of judgment, the judgment is not immutable: “four things rip up a negative verdict against a person:…